So the first day Dom woke up promptly and was so excited but when we got to his class room he wouldn't let my arm go, until finally the teacher came and directed him to his assigned seat. He sits right in front of his cousin Natalia and time will tell if that will be a good thing or bad. But the little guy came home so happy saying, "Mom this is such a fun day!"
Second day was a little harder to get him out of bed. Got to class and we had forgotten his folder that the teacher reminded me that he needed to bring everyday to school. Feeling like a failure mom at this could I have forgotten his mandatory folder on the second day....thought soon faded when I remembered I packed him an awesome snack that day in cute spiderman lunch bags.
Third day observing the little guy in class as the teacher asks all students to take out their folders(still watching as Dom looks around the room oblivious to the teacher's request) JJ reminds the teacher that he is a late bloomer....
Well that is the start to our school years. We will see how the next 12 years go!