Sunday, November 14, 2010

A Late Halloweenie

We went ward hoppin' this year to two different trunk-or-treats, and got way too much candy so we gave it out to our trick or treaters on Halloween day. I don't think we have ever had that many trick or treaters before and honestly I think that the kids had more fun giving out the candy than getting it. Dom was Peter Pan this year and Riah was none other than his side kid Tinkerbell. My plan was to be Tigerlilly and JJ Captain Hook, but my energy just wasn't there being 9 months prego so I resorted to being a pregnant hippy, that makes since right?

Don't mind the belly just hanging out everywhere...that's just not too cute, but made for a funny pic.


Meggan said...

More pics of Noah! More pics of Noah! I'm just saying. I want more pics of baby boy.