Monday, August 18, 2008

One Crazy Husband

Besides being engulfed in these Twilight books and this mysterious Edward character, the reason for a lack of posts this week is because our whole family has been sick. Well, it started with JJ and then kinda went down the line and ended with myself. About two weeks ago we went to the annual pool party for his school at the water park. Of course JJ couldn't contain himself when he heard that there would be a belly flop contest and the two people that did the best would get prizes. JJ actually did pretty good to my surprise and got third place, but after all was done he was complaining that his throat hurt. I guess he landed on his throat both times???..... don't ask me how one would manage that! For two weeks after, his throat was progressively getting worse until it developed into a full blown cold (perfect timing....right around finals). Well anyone who knows JJ knows that he definitely got into the right profession because he has never been one to browse the drug store isle. Leave it to him to create some weird natural concoction of fresh garlic, cayenne pepper, and honey. I had to get this one on film......

Needless to say, he was too sick to go to bed that night cause he felt like he was going to throw up.... who would have thunk? So we went on a midnight walk with the fam and it helped a little. So now that he is doing much better, I'm sicker than a dog but not sick enough to try that stuff! I think JJ feels bad for making me sick, because today he made me a nice dinner, with some fresh squeezed orange juice (cause he said I needed my vitamin C), homeaid "healthy" oatmeal cookies and he did all the dishes....I guess he made up for the no sleep, crying kids, runny noses, and 20 boxes of tissues.