Wednesday, September 16, 2009

PT is Official!!!!

Some of you may remember this tiring post in which I was tired, frustrated, and just gave up. Well to my astonishment I think it was my giving up that actually paid off. I have waited a while to post about it because I didn't want to jinx it and just to make sure it was official, but Dominic is officially POTTY TRAINED!!! and the amazing thing about the whole process, was that he just did it all on his OWN!

One morning he woke up and had a poopy diaper. As I was changing him he said, "Mommy, I think I want to go on the big potty today and wear my big boy spider man underwear." I said okay and we took the diaper off and he wore his underwear. Then I said to him, "Dom, now you promise mommy that you won't go pee pee or poo poo in your big boy underwear?" and he said, "Yes, Mommy, I promise." Then the whole day he just kept going all on his own. During the course of the day I kept asking, "Dom, did you go potty in your pants?" and he kept saying, "No, mommy, I promised!" It was really cute.

Over the past couple of weeks we only had a couple of accidents and both of those were when we weren't home. So I am a very happy momma, and have learned a very important lesson. I will NEVER push my kids to potty train, I think they will just do it on their own. At least that is my hope. It just wasn't worth the fight.....


Meggan said...

So this afternoon, Dom went potty over here a couple of times...he really is becoming quite the pro. Well, one of those times he went poo, and he asked for some help reaching the tp, because in our bathroom the tp holder is beyond reach...why is it there, who knows? Anyways, after I helped him reach it, he said he pooed a really big one, and he was quite proud. I have to confirm it was really big, but the funny part was when I said this to him. He said, "Yeah, really big poo just like my dads." I just giggled. Atleast he didn't wave goodbye as he flushed like Kate used to! You guys are awesome!

Bonnie said...

Awesome! it is quit the milestone for the little ones and you parents too!