Wednesday, June 17, 2009

He's our little champ

Today they called me out of a very intense cardio kick-boxing workout to tell me that my little crazy boy had somehow managed to take a huge chunck of skin out of his eyebrow. He was crying for a little bit but didn't seem to be in extreme pain or anything. I personally have never had anything like this happen to myself nor have I ever had to have stiches so I didn't know what kind of wounds require stiches. I got a few opinions from some of the girls there at the Y and they said that it looked too deep to heal on its own. After finally tracking down the hubby at school, we headed off to the ER.

This was JJ's idea to take off the bandage to show the puncture wound.

Poor little guy had to recieve two whole stiches. The only thing gettin him through this part was the "pink" (actually red) popsicle promised at the end of the procedure.

Overall he was a real champ through it all. The doc said that he will probably have a "V" shaped scar on his eyebrow from now on. JJ said we can't count on Dom making us any money now with stunning looks.... there went that dream ;)


missykroll said...

Um, well, sometimes a scar makes him more memorable. Joaquin Phoenix for example, Owen Wilson, etc. Maybe not modeling per say but I can definitely see a career in acting for your little character. I cant wait to see you guys! Have you chosen your clothing yet for your pictures?

Meggan said...

Poor baby! I am so sorry that happened! Stitches are things boys brag about though, right?