Friday, August 7, 2009


I have no idea what it is, but ever since a good friend, Megg brought over a trunk load of strawberry shortcake the other night, which I was very grateful for, I have been craving the stuff non stop. And let me tell you, it's not the greatest weight loss program. So I will either blame my weight gain on Megg, or maybe just this time of year. The hot weather makes bright red, ripe delicious strawberries sound so cooling and refreshing, but that's just too healthy, so you have to add some nice cold whippi, and sweet angel food cake to complete the delightful treat. Have two nights in a row and you can become an addict just like me.

So tell me, whats your favorite summer treat?


AZ Owen's said...

Ha, whats my favorite treat? Dont know right now, all i can think about is strawberry shortcake! I think it is contagious.