Sunday, November 15, 2009

Leaves Leaves Leaves

With this fall season coming to an end, and seeing as how it will be our last fall here in Missouri only to return somewhere in the west, I'm sure, I am most thankful for the beautiful leaves that the Mid West provides. Being from California, we most definitely do not get leaves like we do out here and so when we moved here we loved them so much we never wanted to rake them! Our complaining old neighbor is always telling us that somehow the wind magically blows all these leaves onto her beautiful lawn and is always on us to CLEAN UP YOUR LEAVES!! Well this year we just avoided her sadly but justified it by knowing that this will be the last year that she will have to put up with our "laziness" and thinking that this is the last year that my kids will get to live amongst such beauty. It's funny cause I can always tell a Missourian by looking at their yard in the fall and not seeing one leaf, constantly raking and blowing away especially if rain is about to hit. Well I guess you can tell a Californian who's living in Missouri by how big the pile of leaves are in the middle of their lawn with kids jumping in them!


alanna said...


Miss you guys Tori!

Meggan said...

Not true - i've put off leaves til this weekend too, and I've been a mid-western/southerner for my whole life. We have just been husbandless student families, and our only concern was to make sure our children were fed, and that laundry was done so that we didn't have to run around naked. You want me to egg your neighbor? I know which one it is...just sayin.

Unknown said...

Yeah you know how long I put off raking my leaves!! We won't even go there!

shilo said...

The only leaf raking should be into a pile to jump in. Ignore your neighbor. Your kids will thank you for the fun later!