Monday, August 4, 2008

Here We Go Again!

Alright folks, round two for your entertainment and delight. We bought some cute new bows for Riah the other day, and what do you know.....
He was very adamant about where each bow was to be placed in his hair. Humm, still hoping its just a faze....

Here is Riah in her, I like to call it her 80's outfit. All she needs is to grow some hair so I can crimp it in a sideways pony tail.


Meggan said...

Kate has that same shirt! Aren't they so cute? I love the hair bow! Looks like you had a blast on the beach. Where were ya'll at?

Paul and Suzy said...

I love Riahs outfit. The bow is so cute! I tried to put bows on my girls, but I think they look a little silly.

Tori said...

We went to innsbrook resort its beautiful and about a half an hour away.

Stephanie Chavez said...

Tor, I swear Riah looks just like you you!!! She is too cute. I miss her!