Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Lets get that perminant marker out and cross off Kentucky

Over the break we had a chance to go down to Kentucky and job shadow some chiropractors that JJ met at a seminar. JJ really hit it off with this one guy, and he told us that if we came down that we could stay in his six bedroom house. Yeah, this guy is not doing too bad out there in Kentucky also driving his Beemer and Escalade. We really didn't want to barge in on him with our two kids and all so we got a nice hotel in the city downtown of Louisville. Well let me tell you, first impression.....NOT A FAN! Two words...run. down. ! The next day we were meeting up with these chiropractors who were going to take us out to breakfast in a more "upscale" part of town. I don't know where the "upscale" was located, but I never saw a bit of that either. JJ really liked the way that this group of chiropractors did business, but I don't know that I'm a small town girl.... at least not that small and especially run down. Well at least we can cross off Kentucky on the list. One down...twenty billion to go!


Amy said...

we know a very nice chiropractor here in cape...wink wink...nod nod