Saturday, September 27, 2008

My Mormon Bubble

I am encircled about by a very comfortable, cozy, safe, constant thing that I will call my mormon bubble. I live by some of the most amazing, loving families that share our same beliefs, and because of this, I never had to go out and search for friends because with sharing the same beliefs, comes automatic connections and friendships. It is an amazing phenominon and one of the biggest blessings, but one of the things that I love most about our faith, is that even far far away from family, you will always have a family, a church family. But besides just a church family, I live around LDS couples that are around our same ages, going through the same situations with raising young families and having husbands gone all hours of the day for this profession that will allow them to one day be called doctors. For this blessing, I am very grateful and can probably owe most of my sanity these days to these good friends, but due to this phenominon I have never had to streach myself, get out of my comfort zone, and find friends. I guess I can say it has been pretty nice in that way.

My eyes were opened as we went to a party yesterday put on by the Christian Chiro Club from JJ's school. I was a little hesitant to go to this party because everyone in this club knows that JJ is mormon and they have given him anti-mormon literature before. So I was preparing myself early for what they could possibly have in store for us. It was at a member's home who happens to be the leader of the club and I was surprised automatically to find no alcohol of any sort in their home. The decor of the home seemed as though I could have been walking into a home from a member of my church with cute signs that read "God abides in this home" and I could feel a peacefulness in their home. The meal was blessed with a beautiful opening prayer and the conversation was clean, pure, and uplifting. All the people at this party go to different Christian churches with similar but yet different beliefs from one another, and I was surprised that as religion got brought up, there was absolutely no contention. I could tell right away that these people LIVE their religion by truly implementing the teachings of Christ in their lives, not just going to church on Sundays.

I guess this whole experience made me get out of my bubble for a sec and just realize that there are so many good people in this world outside of all of our religions that are truly trying to do whats right and live their lives as God would want them to and that these people are not just in the Mormon church. I am grateful for that simple reminder, but yet more grateful to have the knowledge that I have of the Restored Gospel of Jesus Christ. This experience has made me want to be a better Christian and bridge those gaps and barriers between my faith and the "Christian World."