Monday, February 16, 2009

Our Love day

JJ and I felt the love this past weekend when on Friday night we went to a Winter Ball for married adults and danced it up with some good friends as the kids had a blast thanks to the Bunderson girls who offered to babysit. Then on the actual love day after one failed attempt Dominic and I made Daddy a "Love Cake." Dom had more fun licking the bowel as most kids do. I woke up to a house that was cleaned spic and span with a note on the table that said, "I love you more! (than sleep)." You would have had to have seen the movie "Fireproof" to get it because apparently he woke up at 4:30am to clean everything to my liking. Then that night we enjoyed a nice family dinner at a great Italian restaurant....enjoyed until Riah spilt ice cold water on my lap and I was freezing the rest of the night, but their Spinach Pizza was so tasty.

Here is my handsome Valentine in his hot white doctor's coat at a health convention this past Friday.

And here is a pic for the family of my new hair cut before we went out to dinner.

Hope everyone else had a happy love day!


Meggan said...

It was fun dancing with ya'll Saturday night. Glad you had a happy love day!

Unknown said...

That was so sweet of JJ to clean for you!! What a sweetie!!

AZ Owen's said...

When are you guys going to CA again?

alanna said...

You look hot Tori!


Li said...

I LOVE your haircut!! So sweet of your hubby to get up early and clean. :)