Tuesday, January 12, 2010

American Idol

I know I'm crazy. Some people like "Chuck," some people like "Grey's Anatomy," but here in this house we are loyal to American Idol. Got JJ hooked when we were dating, and we have watched every season together ever since. After like 8 seasons the hype has kinda worn down for many, but no not here. We are huge fans. It was exciting when we moved to St. Louis because we met Alanna and Brad who liked the show just as much as we do and we would have our American Idol nights....but sadly this season they are gone :( Well know that you guys are missed this season. I'm a little worried though, this is suppose to be Simon's last season...hummm hope the show stays exciting. Those will be big shoes to fill though. Season 9 premiers tonight!! Excitement has filled the Bell home!!!


alanna said...

Ahh...I miss our American Idol night too Tori! It was so much fun and I looked forward to it all week.

I'm not sure whats going to happen with all the judges leaving. I am pretty excited to see Ellen on the show. I think she's hilarious!

Miss you guys!

Unknown said...

I'm sure it is exciting to watch Idol with you and Alanna! You guys would make it the show exciting! Who needs Simon with Tori and Alanna! I hope you enjoyed the show tonight!