Thursday, January 7, 2010

Season Beloved of the Year

This Christmas turned out to be such a special Christmas and one that we won't forget. It started out sad because it was our first Christmas without family, but ended so great. I think our friends felt bad for us because we were invited over a lot, which in part was what made it so great. Due to finances we weren't going to buy a tree this year, but low and behold a dear friend brought this lovely thing over to our house fully decorated and EVERYTHING!! Seriously brought tears to my eyes, and was one of the sweetest acts of kindness anyone has ever done for me and my family and I will never forget it.

Christmas eve we went to the Shelton's with the Ernstroms and ate some incredible dinner, had a Christmas devotional and opened "The Christmas Eve Present" aka pajamas. We had a great time, they are so fun to hang out with and it was just nice to be with good people on the holidays.

Christmas morning was actually very relaxing with just our little family. The only thing that Dom asked for this year was an apple. Santa granted his request, and he was as happy as a lark. Riah didn't quite get the whole thing, but loved the little doll stroller that Santa brought and that mom is regretting asking for because she strolls it up and down the hallway 10 billion times a day ramming into everybody and everything! Do you thing Santa makes exchanges?

New Years was so fun too. We spent it with the North's and their in-laws, stayed up playing games and eating good food till 4 in the morning. Now I'm addicted to the game Farkle....very fun!! We introduced them to our New Year's tradition of banging pots and pans outside while yelling, "Happy New Year!!!" over and over. No police were's going to be a good year!!

Hope everyone had a great holiday season, and remembered the reason for the season!!!


Meggan said...

Love that tree Tori! So cool. And I am so glad you had a great holiday. I too think that this year is going to be a great one!

alanna said...

Glad you had a good holiday Tori.
Miss you guys!

(Allen kept pointing to Domino on the screen too!)