Wednesday, November 5, 2008

It Passed!!!!!

I know the rest of the country hasn't been as in tune with the Proposition 8 campaign, but since we are from California, we were constantly hearing about this issue. If the Proposition 8 didn't pass, then Gay and Lesbian marriage would be placed on the same plane as regular traditional marriage. Both types of marriage would be taught in school systems to our kids, and all adoption agencies would have to adopt to same sex couples. So this was a big deal, especially because whatever California tends to do, eventually the rest of the country will follow. The prophets of our church encouraged everyone to get involved to protect traditional marriage. Thousands of volunteers made phone calls to inform people on this proposition, as well as private donations were made. Members of our church donated the most money to advertise this proposition, and well, every one's hard work and efforts have payed off because it passed!!!!!!

Any google search on this issue, will show and mention the Mormon church's involvement on this issue. I am absolutely sure that the Gay and Lesbian community pretty much hate us right now, in fact many of them picketed in front of our Oakland Temple to prove it. And that is okay because we had to protect what we know is right and true in the eyes of God. We do not hate them, but we do not want their views imposed on us and our children. I just find this pretty interesting how with such a crucial topic, and all the churches in California, that our church had the most involvement on this very important issue. What the prophets of our church say is coming to pass. As the world get more and more wicked, churches will become more as the world is, yet the true church will stand out among the rest. Each day my testimony grows and I know that I am in the true church which is Gods church here upon the earth as Jesus Christ, His son, set up upon the earth for us to follow. I love this gospel and how it teaches that the true importance rests upon the family unit and what it was defined as by God Himself in the Bible. I know that my true happiness comes from following His commandments and having joy in my prosperity as he directed us to do.


Scott Halle said...

Tori! Thank you so much for your testimony! It was good to hear. It looks like we will all have to stand a little taller, and stand up to the ways of the world. Something tells me that this is just the beginning... If we prepare we shall not fear!